
Friday, February 4, 2011

MG 1/100 AEUG MSA-003 Nemo

 And here's the last of the three Mass produced Unit model review...

Save the best for last...

The Anti Earth Union Group MSA-003 Nemo

Produced by Anaheim Electronics  for the Anti Earth Union Group as the mainstay of it's forces... It was based on the RGM-79R GM II of the E.F.S.F but with better generator output, acceleration, and maneuverability. But too keep the costs down, it uses already available weaponry like GM II's Beam Rifle and the Rick Dias' Beamsabers.

As for the model kit itself, this Mobile Suit is oozing with Universal Century details in Universal Century proportions... having one of this make me want to get two more just to have an army...

This kit is 100% pure beef! probably the only Universal Century, Non-Zeon, Mass production unit to have an almost full and complete inner frame in bulky old-school proportions. (if not for the shoulder joints which are still connected via armor pieces... almost perfect Bandai... almost...)

The head is just like an upgraded GM head... oh wait... this is an upgraded GM... only that it's not...

The crest has amazing details and cockpit movement...

The legs also has better details and design than most MGs. Every piston you will see is working (on the legs part only...) plus there's that hind leg thrusters the also have articulation too... and the fingers can be separated from each other and are connected to the hand via balljoints...

Hind leg details... nice addtion of red parts...

the ankle... with working pistons...

Knee bent...

The beam saber hatch on the back skirts also has a frame... that's attention to details...

Backpack Verniers/thrusters also have nice details even on the insides...

Some action poses...

Feet details...

The shield does retract up and down with a simple locking mechanism... though I'm not sure if they did that on the anime, since the Nemo had little screentime and was only featured on the backgrounds as a clean up crew...

this pose is such a nice pose...

it can reach for the beamsabers at it's backskirts...

Cockpit opened...

and the pilot figures...
 The kit only comes with green beam saber parts, the two pilots, the rifle, and the shield... it does have a limited arsenal of weapons but that doesn't make this kit less awesome...

And that's a quick glimpse of the MSA-003 Nemo...

Check out's Nemo review for a more elaborate review... and you might have the urge to pick this one up in the future...

With Ballute System from Hyaku Shiki

Check out the two other Mass Produced Unit review:

EFSF RGM-79N South Burning Custom


  1. Greeting from Indonesia!
    Very nice Nemo you have overthere, I'am currently building MG nemo myself, but i was wondering, how do you put ballute pack on Nemo especially the one on the back, because I found no pegs or hole to keep it fixed..
    thank you for your response

    1. there are no pegs on the nemo for the ballute pack...
      the ballute pack just hangs on there...
      you just need to deploy the hooks to prevent the ballute from slipping off the body...
