
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

MG 1/100 EFSF RGM-79N Custom

So here's a quick review of one of the three Mass Produced Units I just ordered...

I might compare the three kits in these three posts from time to time... (yes... I snapfitted all three in about 24 hours...)

The RGM-79N South Burning Custom... nice kit considering it's old...

Actually, I was surprised after snapfitting the kit, since although it used too much polycaps, the articulation and overall stability was great...

There's better arm movement in this kit than the newer RGM-79C Ground type (might be known as the RGM-79 Kai, or Ver.ka...)

Look at those Universal Century proportions! These kinds of Mobile Suits are what I like best
(having more models from other timelines than Universal Century doesn't mean I love them more...)

Arm articulation...

Notice that the lower arm can rotate from the elbow... that's really something... most MS can't do that... And probably the GM Quel (90% the same kit but in Blut Titans colors) can't do this since it has a different elbow joint (but the Titan's version has better elbow bending reach).

Arm articulation...

The shoulder armor has a great way of attaching to the shoulder joint as it is "locked" into place so it actually follows the direction of the arm... A big upgrade from MG Alex...

That's the maximum when the arms reach up, unless you rotate the elbows or shoulders...

Open cockpit... first time I ever put a pilot inside any MS kit...

Back shot...

Back shot...

Behind the knee...

Back pack... can only hold one beam saber...

Back pack interior details...

Very nice verniers detail...

The inner side of the shield... Those two extra ammo clips are empty on one side, only used for design purposes here... though I haven't tried putting them onto the guns itself...

Crotch details... can do a little work to get it look better... but it's not that bad...

Note the wrist articulation...

Very nice arm and elbows articulation... considering it's a pretty old kit...

The GM machine gun (top) and the GM Carbine (rifle, bottom... I like the word carbine more...)

More action poses...

Just a bonus mug shot...

The 1/20 scale Lt South Burning figure...

Here's most of the extra accessories..., the 2nd beam saber... the standing pilot figure... the GM Carbine... and two more pairs of hands...

There are 3 pairs in total, 1 closed fists, 1 open palms, 1 with movable fingers...

More unused parts... most probably because some runners on this kit was also used in making the RX-78 NT1 Gundam Alex kit... Here are hand armor with the same color as the internals...

Extra antenna, if ever you break the current one...

I have no idea as to where these are supposed to go...

Extra feet armors... same color as the main MS color...

Extra wrists armors... same color as the main color also...

So that's a quick RGM-79N South Burning Custom review...

Watch out for the other two some time soon...

RGM-79 TYPE C up next!

It's 7:00 AM and I've got class...

Ja mata ne!

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