
Sunday, February 10, 2013

2012 - End Report -

Well it's already February...
here's just a post about most of what I had bought from last year...
All of which are still unassembled except the Palace Athene and the Sheryl Nome VF-25 ...
which makes about 4 Zaku Is and 3 GM Type Cs...

A few highlights...
1/100 Kotobukiya NERV VTOL Aircraft YAGR-N101...
HG 1/144 G-Savior... I'm not a fan of the movie, I just like the MS design...

1/35 UC HARDGRAPH Core Fighter...
1/35 UC HARDGRAPH Cyclops set...

Since my days might be numbered...
I'm cutting expenses this year, and really just trying to make most out of my time, and hoping I could do most of this stuff I got just before the end of the year...



  1. Thats quite a haul to get you through the year, never seen anyone build a G-saviour.

    1. yeah... I have only seen 1 G-Savior kit to recieve a full remodeling treatment...
