
Wednesday, March 16, 2011

EVA-02 Production 2.0 WIP 2

Evangelion Unit-02 Weapons... A lot of colors...

I didn't bother removing the seamlines nor cementing the halves together... I just painted then straight even without sanding or priming, still looks great... I might do it for every weapon in every kit...

Basically, all the extra weapons and accessories were molded in one color which is gray, which I have to paint in numerous colors to make them look as how they appeared in the series/movies...

Basic green was a mix of NATO green and my mix of light gray (light gray, little parts of silver, german gray, white...)

The lighter shade was the first green mix with more off white parts...

Then Enamel Red for the details...

Black Enamel washes and German Gray mix on those screws and things...

Acrylic white, Acrylic yellow, Enamel red and black markers for the Prog Knife (Future coatings in between...)

I left the Thunder Spear unpainted... it's supposed to be painted with shades of blue but I currently don't have any lighter shades of blue at hand, and my white is at a low...

And the Umbilical Cable unpainted... there sould be some reds and golds there...

Hands attached...

The S-type equipment introduced only in the Rebuild series...

I didn't bother painting them since I have no intention on displaying EVA-02 with them... It was cool to see it in the movie but it wasn't really as memorable as how EVA-02 originally fought in her debut in the Pacific... maybe use it on kitbashing on the future...

There are some nice details on it anyway...

Decals WIP to be posted next...

I'm actually done with everything concerning EVA-02 at the moment...

I just need to work on the base...


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