
Monday, January 3, 2011

Thoughts on Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo 2010

So I just watched Toki wo Kakeru Shoujo... the 2010 live remake...

scratch that...


I still couldn't get over the movie after it's been exactly 24 hours since I've watched it...

Ok so the screenshot above is from the net, I couldn't get a screenshot of mine since I don't have a copy of it YET... I just went over my friend's house immediately after he said he has one...

So here's some of my thoughts (laid out rather than shouting it all over the place)...

which might contain big ending spoilers...

First, since the (higher) reason for me watching this movie was because of Riisa Naka. I became a fan of hers ever since she voiced Makoto from the Anime Movie version of this from 2006. Well her acting as Akari Yoshiyama in this movie is not very much different from her voicing of Makoto Konno nor from Makoto's acting. Both of the Time Leapers are as quirky, funny, and instantly lovable as each other... and cries (with a somehow weird positive feeling, or maybe that's just me...)...

Second, the other characters especially the lead's partner, Ryota (Akinobu Nakao), are quite likable as well. I especially liked how he is working on making a movie with all those vintage editing and shooting, and directing (especially)... "KAAATO!!!" could be my most wanted line from the movie if not from all those Akari something somethings...

Third, the story, well this isn't just the 2nd film/TV drama adaptation of the book out of the so many remakes and other adaptations... so a few plots are quite the same in most of those adaptations. But it doesn't mean you'd fall asleep from the boredom of already knowing what could happen... Actually, I don't know what was gonna happen while I was watching but there is that feeling of knowing what could happen, but how the plots were revealed, those new funny scenes and heart breakers, all those seem to be meshing up well just to give you a a tight grip on your seat and your eyes fixed on the screen... I know I did...

As for the ending, as I was watching the movie, I wanted something to happen but it couldn't... maybe in a Hollywood movie it's supposed to happen, but it's a Japanese film, and Japanese are set off by those things... It's like in any Hollywood movie animated or not which a male protagonist would surely end up with someone in his arms by the end of the movie... but in Evangelion, we get Shinji Ikari and Rei Ayanami and Asuka Langley... with Rei killing all of mankind except Shinji and Shinji trying to kill Asuka... or Heero Yuy and Relena...

or Neil Dylandy and Feldt Grace...

then Feldt Grace and Setsuna...

even Takaki and Akari from 5cm Per Second...

even with Kamina and Yoko from Gurren Lagann...

nor with Simon and Nia...

I guess you can already tell the ending...

No... they never got together in the end... that's why I couldn't get over it... well the two main characters from the animated adaptation from 2006 didn't get together in the end too but...

at least they didn't kill him off towards the end...

They could've at least made the "past's future" different after Akari went back time...
 just to satisfy MY need for such endings...

But I guess Japanese would rather give off cliff hanging endings... just to make you beg for more... (like almost perfect Gundams which would then break at the most critical points...)

Then here's everything else... in anycase I might be asked about the ending... I would still choose the original ending and my own ending every other day and on holidays...

 And I'm still hungry for more of these things...

so I guess until next time...

Currently... almost done with painting Strike's internal frame...

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