
Sunday, January 23, 2011

PG 1/60 ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom WIP 1

 So here's the start of the PG 1/60 Strike Freedom build.

2011 Jan. 23, 2:30 AM - Snap fitting the FEET

First Impressions and reactions...

There were 3 kinds of gold used in the frames:

-A silver with clear yellow coating which is the one used for parts that will be seen after the armor is placed. Also the most shiny.
-a plain gold plastic used for most of the inner frame, mostly hidden when the model is complete.
-and a more bronze-ish gold, used for details and just to add flavor to the golden frame, most of which are also seen after the kit is complete. Also had crisp, fine details...

There were also some gray and chrome coated parts used for the inner frame...

I think there were about 20 pieces or more used in a foot without the armor. That's a lot considering MGs only uses about 7 pieces I think with the armor already.

Some parts would move along the feet automatically, like when the knees move on the legs of the recent MGs.

Chrome coating parts... not actually metal parts. Their runners where actually breaking while I was cutting them off. good thing they survived...

Size comparison of a 1/60 PG Strike Freedom feet to a 1/100 MG Freedom feet.

Size comparison of a 1/60 PG Strike Freedom feet to 1/100 MG Freedom. Freedom will surely be stepped on...

Moving parts with the blue armor parts...


2011 Jan. 23, 4:50 PM - Snap fitting the LEGS

Knee joint and upper leg pieces and assembly...

Movement limiters.
More upper leg pieces and assembly...

Upper leg articulation.

The front and back sides slides over the main skeleton.

Knee part pieces and assembly...

Knee Articulation. There are actually two parts (main parts when snapfitted) for the knees which bends.

Knee articulation.

Lower leg pieces and assembly...

Beneath the white part is the Verniers / thrusters / boosters of the Strike Freedom... It slides out midway when the white piece is pulled out...

And there's another piston like detail on the lowest part.

The white part would go much further than the verniers...

Ankle Joint pieces and assembly... 5 (hard) polycaps for a single joint... MGs would usually use 1.

The vernier without the white piece.

More Ankle Joint pieces and assembly.

The other piston at the back of the leg supports the ankle.

Ankle joint armor interiors/binders.

Ankle Articulation...

The Legs...

Feet fully bent downwards.

Those chrome pistons doesn't actually work as it should when the feet bends from the ankle. It's just there mostly for details, but it does move with the flow when the feet is rotated left or right...

Leg movement...

Knee half bent...

Full bent...

Leg comparison to MG Freedom...

More Pieces and assembly. mostly armor parts.

I removed the armor parts from the previous image becuase I would want to see PGSF in all it's golden glory...


Upper leg joint pieces and assembly...

I'll stop here and continue some other time...
My hands are already in pain...


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