
Monday, January 10, 2011

MG 1/100 Aile Strike Gundam WIP 4

I could say I'm 99% done on painting Strike Gundam (without the striker pack...), all it need now are a few fix ups... My HANDPAINTING skills aren't perfect yet but it could improve. (But I may have to settle with using spraycans whenever painting white next time...)

Painting the whole thing actually took me a week... I had problems by the time I applied the white paint due to the texture being thick, I had to sand them off lightly, and not a hundred percent, just to smoothen out the thick parts... then re-apply the white paint, then seal it again with Future...

read on the progress...

I used an OFF-WHITE color... tamiya flat white with a few (2-3 or 4) drops of red and about the same drops of yellow...

(I'm starting to hate the texture of Tamiya flat white, it's too powdery or grainy... I have yet to try glossy white... but I have no problems whatsoever when using the other colors...)

Primed (left) and painted (right) pieces... (applied 3-4 thin coats...)

A primed chest piece to be painted blue...

I used my old mixture of blue (flat blue and mix of other shades of blue... including sky blue and clear blue...)

Spray painted red with spray cans...

Handpainted the yellow...

Applied black wash to panel lines, especially the gray interiors... (it doesn't look much here but it had more defined details after application, plus the wash would look like some grease effects or soot or dirt...)

Detail shots...

Some action shots (without the Striker pack...)

 I only need to work on modding the striker pack, then paint it... then apply decals to the whole model...

Until next post!

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