
Monday, December 27, 2010

Random Thought: Chamaro as Anarchy Stocking

 So here's another Chamaro post..  now she's doing Anarchy Stocking from the new Anime Panty & Stocking...

Her cosplay is already a few weeks old but I just found out that the series was produced by Gainax... GAINAX.... so I might give it a try in the next few days...

Ja mata ne!

and I've just finished watching Ore No Imouto.... where's season 2???

and I've had The Beatles as my gunpla music for the last whole week, listening to it 24 hours a day while customizing Gat-X105... just to take a break from all the Jpops...

And I'm waiting for TRAILBLAZER dl to finish... still without subs...

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