
Tuesday, December 21, 2010

1/100 NG MSJ-06 II-A Tieren Ground Type

Tieren Ground Type. Probably the bulkiest Mobile Suit ever...

The design is good, all the mechanical details and rough textures... the giant bazooka... the small figures... The only flaw is that the kit is too heavy to be supported by polycaps in 1/100 NG scale... especially the hip joints which tend to loosen up overtime... that's why I left my second kit just standing at the most, careful not to post it much...

I actually have two of these model kits right now but I still don't know what or how to customize them... I'm thinking of converting one of them into a space type, or just put them together in combat into one diorama...

So here's more images...

If you want mega details... Put a hole on those three areas there in front of the pilot to recreate a viewing hatch or a small window... and and a machine gun on the side...

no that's not a bazooka... it's a BAZOOKA!!!

These next images were taken over a year ago with an older camera...

Until next post!

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