
Friday, October 22, 2010

Haul #12: Soryu Asuka Langley

Share | Well this would be the first Haul Post of the month and it's nothing big. I'm saving my shells for the upcoming XMAS TOYCON this holiday, whether or not I can go.

                  Anyways... Here's a couple of images of Sohryu (Shikinami) Asuka Langley from the Evangelion Portraits 4 series of the first  movie of the Rebuild of Eva series (I think...). We were on our way home from a day of PURE ARTIST'S AWESOMENESS which I would be blogging about maybe on the next post... We were tired, I was hungry, we roamed the usual Ayala Hobby Fanboy Otaku Goods Lane (neeehhhh....) I saw some new Transformers Generations Dirge and Generations Blurr but the hobby shop owner said they could get some new stocks for me to get, and keeps on telling me to just concentrate on getting the utmost rare things at that time... oh well, just to shut him up, all I got was this Asuka figure...

I was lazy to set up a decent photography lighting and backdrops but I guess this looks decent enough?

I believe the anatomy is reminiscent of the older looks of Asuka back in the 90s where they have this really long legs, short bodies and forced dynamic poses... but it's awesome nonetheless.

I was also lazy enough not to compare this figure with the newer figures released for the Eva 2.22 since I was taking these picture in my room, and my older collections were on the other side this airspace...

Until next post...

I'm currently in the middle of a CloneWars S3 marathon...
Want Troopies in this blog???

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