
Thursday, August 12, 2010

HAUL #6:Cybertronian Optimus Prime

| WFC Optimus Prime!!! After some weeks of waiting, I finally got the figure. A Deluxe class TF with Leader Class Transformations! Optimus Prime is now worthy of being called a leader of all ages.

I'll let the images talk...

Epic Transformation! This should be how every Transformer toy should transform, hardcore leader class!!! HELLS YEAH!!!

The rifle also transforms, from a mounted machinegun in carmode to rifle mode. But the weapon isn't like the ones those as seen in the game, just like Bumblebee from the previous post. But Optimus Prime's rifle can also be mounted onto his arm rather than being held in his hand... Awesome...Epic Leader class articulations...

Comes with a leader class pose...
TFA Cybertron Optimus Prime is a little taller than WFC Optimus Prime.

And WFC Bumblebee is about the same height as WFC Optimus Prime, as with TFA Bee with TFA Prime... damnscale problems... DAMN SCALE PROBLEMS!!! (a simple camera trick was used to make bee shorter...)
Other things about WFC prime is that some armor parts move around like these shoulder armors here, meant to move or not, it's just like what you see in the game... awesome sauce...
WARCRY!!! Buffs Armor and Firepower!

Real Class Optimus Prime...
Concept art for War for Cybertron Optimus Prime...
Big thanks to a friend of mine in helping me get some of the things in my collection, namely:
-Hardheroes Devastator bust
-Universe classics Ultraclass Powerglide
-Mightymuggs Ironman
-MG Aile Strike Gundam
-MG Gundam Exia
-including this WFC Optimus Prime...
-and some others I may have forgot...

big thanks...

'til all are one!!!


'til next post!

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