
Tuesday, November 15, 2011


 Maybe this will be the second to the last of the PG STRIKE FREEDOM WIP list... the last one will be about the Dragoon System which I'm still working on, but close to finishing...

Anyways, this post is just a collection of WIP images already posted on my facebook account dated July to September...

Decals are THIRD PARTY WATERSLIDES, and not the stickers which came with the kit...

All the white armor pieces received 3 or more coats of Future after applying decals, then Panel Lined with Tamiya Gold Leaf... Then applied Gunmetal from Tamiya Weather Master Set C...

Other Colored parts also had about 3 or more coats of Future. Then Panel lined with Tamiya Gold Leaf...

Some Gold Parts were painted with Gold and some details Silver, then Applied several coats of Future.



  1. hi, that kit looks great. if I may know, where did you get the third party decals? how about the quality compared to Bandai's decals for MGs? would the crappy gold parts look good if I paint them with tamiya gold leaf? or do you recommend any specific gold paint?
    actually I'm going to build a PG SF during the vacation weeks later, so I want to know more about it...

    1. I wouldn't paint the gold parts wit Tamiya Gold Leaf if you ask me... Gold Leaf is too grainy and noisy... I would recommend some other brands which would be more shiny and chrome-like... apply in very thin coats as you would be painting a very complicated framework, slight floodings and errors might result in some joints getting too tight and migh break if moved...

      Third party decals came from where I buy my kits, which is locally... though he might ship abroad... search "coldfire gundam" on facebook...

      goodluck on you project!

    2. thanks for the advice. any specific brand that you recommend? btw I was mistaken when I said tamiya gold leaf, it should be tamiya gold spray (I think gold leaf is the bottled acrylic one?). I tried it on a plastic spoon, then topcoated with gloss coat, it looked pretty nice (but not so shiny).

    3. I haven't really seen the Tamiya Gold spray effect, but if it works for you then why not? just be sure to not over spray/flood the gold parts because the gold parts are the most important pieces...

      Also, I have seen the color of the Gundam Marker Gold and it's really a nice smooth gold, as if it's real melted gold (theory...) though I don't know how to thin that kind of paint and if it is ok to apply over broad large areas... The Gold doesn't have a chrome like appearance but it looks better for me than Tamiya Gold leaf (acrylic)...

      But I think the best way is to test different color brands first and application... then choose what works for you...

    4. I'm now looking into Tamiya Metallic Gold spray paint and MrColor super metallic gold paint.. I wonder if the latter can be applied by hand brushing, since I don't own an airbrush... but I'm still looking for advices since they're quite expensive to experiment with (the tamiya metallic gold costs almost equivalent to USD 20 per can here, while the mrcolor costs equivalent to around USD 8 per bottle).
      yep, the gundam marker gold looks great, however I heard that using gundam marker to paint makes the plastic weaker, and they are quite easy to rub off, so it's not good for inner frame.
      by the way, how did you shade this kit? do you airbrush?

    5. 20 USD a can is really too much... yes MR color gold does look alright...

      Anyhow... this kit is unpainted, except the internal side of the armors painted gold. some details painted with silver and gold, applied gold panel lines using tamiya...

      I shaded the armors only by using Tamiya Weather Master Set C...

      Any other info on the build - I think you can read them all on the WIP posts...

    6. I finally finished mine, lol... after 3 months working on it.
      if you want to look :

    7. sorry can't see them... "must be logged in"...

    8. sorry about that. I forgot that the subforum for Completed Models can't be accessed by non-members.
      I've posted the pictures in the WIP thread as well :
