
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

1/350 JMSDF DDG-174 Kirishima WIP 3

Third WIP...
-Building the radar tower
-Adding more details to the super structures
-Main hull gap cleaning.
-Crushing the main bridge
-Breaking the radar tower

Parts for the radar tower... (getting smaller and smaller...)


Radar tower done... took a whole hour to get everything right...

Here's a little sneak peek at what I'm planning...

First super structure - more details... torpedo tubes, radar dishes, AA Guns, more radar things, more smaller torpedo tubes...

AA Guns and radar towers...

Torpedo tubes... I just don't know if the way it's placed is right... I did follow the instructions but the placing of those tubes is suicidal... it's gonna hit the main deck if it's gonna fire towards the water...
 (or do they fire upwards like a mortar???)

Bridge done (without the two AA Guns at the roof...), note the very very small torpedo(?) tubes below... took me another hour since they keep falling to the floor and I have to find them...

Second superstructure details... AA Gun, Radar dishes, and more terraces.

Another peek at my workspace... (my bed unseen at the left is filled with model kit boxes... just like old times... where I sleep mostly with my projects...)

Detail Shots...

If you see that line between the main hull and the above superstructure, that line shouldn't be there.
That's supposed to be a continuous surface... The super structure (above) is lacking in width...

So I placed three more plastic tubes underneath the superstructure to push the left and right edges out a little bit... with super glue...

A little better... It just needs a few cleaning next time... maybe more talcum powder then a lot of sanding...

I also cleaned up the main deck from gaps and uneven edges using talcum powder...

Evangelion Unit-02 test fit...

I'll work out a better pose next time...

Crushing the main bridge...

I cut a few parts of the radar tower, then dipped it into a glass of boiling water, then bent it... and comes to that...

More work on the crushing... I did want to show broken pieces of the bridge so I took care of the windows leaving most of them intact but flattened, rather than just crushing and melting them all over the place...

Anyways... The Crushing needs a bit more work... here's another shot...
About 60% done... I just need to cement the Superstructures in place, add more details to the hull, then paint... then apply decals... then do EVA-02... then do the base...

And since it's about EVA-02...
I think I should dedicate a post for Asuka cosplay... hmmm...


1 comment:

  1. No son tubos de torpedos, son misiles harpoon, misiles antibuque.
