
Saturday, February 5, 2011

PG 1/60 ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom WIP 3

Here's an over due WIP post for the PG Strike Freedom...

This post would cover assembling the Head, Arms and the Main Backpack...
2011 Jan. 29, 1:30 AM - Snap fitting the HEAD

That black head Vulcan part is probably the smallest piece on this model...

The black has good detail...

It says "X-20A VENTI" on the red piece...

2011 Feb. 4, 11:30 PM - Snap fitting the ARMS

A whole runner for the Internal Frame of the Hand Manipulator...

The fingers below are snapfitted and ready to be placed onto the hand...

Fully posable hands and fingers...

The beam shield generator?

Hatch open...

Shoulder assembly...

Shows the articulation of the shoulder hatch...

Hatch open...

Hatch open...

Three elbows...

It actually took me 5 minutes to do that pose...

LEDs on...

Stripped off all it's currently built armor parts...

Size comparison to MG 1/100 Freedom

2011 Feb. 5, 4:00 AM - Snap fitting the MAIN BACKPACK

Articulated Verniers, and their articulated housings...

Bare top side...

Considering that the male and female pegs are shallow... it's actually pretty tight...

Now mounted on it's own stand...

Other pics...

Complete head with LEDs on...

What's left are the Dragoons and the Beam Rifles and other weapons...

It's 5 AM...

My fingers are pain...



  1. please tell me how to turn on the LED?

    1. it's just the same LED design similar to those that came with the OO series Designer's colors... just orange in color...
