This is Cybertronian Bee... I must say... TRANSFORMERS!!! MORE THAN MEETS THE EYES!!!

The car mode is pretty solid and compact, just right for Bumblebee. Beautiful yellow body but a big let down for some pinkish paint application that should've been red...

My small collection of Bees... not much of fan of the movie version but I plan on getting the battle-blade version and the first ROTF Bee version if ever...

He comes armed with a small gun, not the kind you see him carry in the game. You can store it on his back too...
These 2010 transformers deluxe class figures are far more articulated than previous deluxe classes... and they have a level 4 transformation, near to those leader classes...

His head sculpt is perfect... but an epic fail on the light piping... they painted his eyes blue...

Awesome articulation as said... and ready to trash some decepticreeps...

Continue to Mari Makinami post...
Nice, Bee looks good. I wish I could track down a WFC Prime...but I guess he's pretty rare now. I just picked up War Within Titanium SunStorm this weekend from so that's awesome!
ReplyDeleteI believe both Bee and Prime are still very easy to find here in the philippines. but I still have to get prime before other TFs come out